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The Gospel has been around for a very long time, and while many people have heard the words, there are many still who have not heard or understand its wonderful message. The Gospel is Jesus Christ's good news, telling the miraculous story of Christ's death, burial, and Resurrection and how that Resurrection restores our communion with God, giving us freedom from the penalty of sin through the power inherent in Christ's blood. God's mercy extends to his children through the love and crucifixion of his Son Jesus Christ- the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

To put it simply the Gospel is God's message to his children, letting us know that we are no longer slaves to sin and the ways of the world that we are victorious over evil and that by maintaining our faith and putting our trust in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ and in the Word of the Lord, we too can live Blessed and as well-kept as His children could ever hope to be.

Interested in learning more about this special gift that is Salvation? Grab a bible and read more for yourself! 
The Gospels begin in the New Testament, with the first four books, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
What Is The Gospel?
I AM the Way, the Truth, & the Life

John 14:6
Metropolitan Boston / Wakefield MA / Palm Beach / Boca Raton / Ft. Lauderdale / Miami FL 

781-451-3219 (MA) 
954-418-9730 (FL)
© 2014 Jeffrey Zagaria